请StirlingChinese上的兄弟姐妹帮忙做一份问卷penguin(2008/4/21 13:45:52) 点击:
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91.* * * 课程需要,请大家帮个忙,做一份问卷。
Male Female
(Section 1)
1. How would you describe yourself?
2. How many years have you been in Stirling?
3. When you stay in China, How did you get the information about overseas study and social life of Stirling? Which one is really useful for you after you got to Stirling? Educational information, local circumstances, Accommodation (rental, location), study (book, calculators) (Channels)
4. Have you ever visited SC(if not, please go to section 2)? Are you a visitor or a register? And how did you find it? What’s about the visual appearance, navigation, content and layout of Stirling Chinese, Please specifying what tastes are most suitable for you (visual appearance, navigation, content and layout)?
5. How often do you use our website?
(1) If frequently, please tell us why
E.g. Is the information on website helpful and timely and up-to-date?
(2) If less frequently, please specify the reason.
6. When you study in Stirling, How did you get the information about overseas study and social life of Stirling? (Channels) What information about Stirling currently is very useful for you, which can be provided by Stirling Chinese?
7. (For visitors) Would you like to log in Stirling Chinese, to get detailed information, to enthusiasm the atmosphere of Stirling Chinese community and to make more friends in this online community? Yes, (No) why such like: Have you ever register in other website which similar as SC? (No)
(Yes), therefore it is unnecessary for you to register in SC, Please tell us the name of that website you logged in. And please tell us from which aspects the (website or websites) as you mentioned is better than SC.
8. (For registers)
How do you think of the website (SC)? What kind of the new information do you expect currently? Have ever log in any other websites, which similar as SC? If you have the experience to register in them, please describe the differences between them and SC, and us some advice how to make our website more attractive?
Section 2
How do you find local information? Where do you find it? Please give some examples (if website, how did you know it)
Stirling Chinese is a website with simplified Chinese characters, does that affect your visiting and reading?