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BUAP04 - International Business
Peng, M., 2006, Global Strategy, Southwest Learning, ISBN: 0324288522

Czinkota, M. Ronkainen et al, 2005, Internaitonal Business Update, Edition 7, Thomson South Western

Hitt, Ireland, Koskisson, 2004, Strategic Management, South-Western

IBUP05 - Managing International Organizations
Adler, N.J. (1997), International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, Third Edition, International Thomson Publishing, South-Western College: USA

Deresky, H. (2000), International Management: Managing across Borders and Cultures, Third edition, Prentice Hall: New Jersey

Hodgetts, R. M. and Luthans, F. (1997), International Management, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill: New York

Holt, D.H. & Wigginton, K.W. (2002), International Management, 2nd Edition, Harcourt College Publishers, London

BUAP03/93 Organizational Behaviour and Analysis
R Rosenfeld & D Wilson (2nd Ed., 1999) Managing Organizations, McGraw Hill

IBUP01 – International Finance
Madura, Jeff & Fox, Roland, International Financial Management, 1st edition, Thomson, 2007.   (Essential purchase).

Note: This is the first European edition of a best-selling US text of the same name by Jeff Madura (currently in its 8th edition).

There are a number of useful learning resources on the companion website of the Madura and Fox text at:


IBUP04 - Research Methods & Dissertation Planning
Bryman, Alan. & Bell, Emma. (2007), Business Research Methods, 2nd ed. OUP


BUAP08 - Strategic Management
Johnson, G & Scholes K  (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy 7th ed. Prentice Hall Europe, ISBN: 0273687344


Lynch (2006), Corporate Strategy 4th ed., Financial Times/Prentice Hall ISBN 1844800830


Thompson J & Martin F (2005), Strategic Management 5th ed., Thomson Learning ISBN 1-86152-587-7

IBUP04 - Research Methods & Dissertation Planning
Bryman, Alan. & Bell, Emma. (2007), Business Research Methods, 2nd ed. OUP

Europe & the Emerging Markets


ISMP07 - Project Management
Field & Keller (1998), Project Management. Thomson

Nicholas (2004), Project Management for Business and Engineering. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann

Meredith & Mantel (2006), Project Management: A Managerial Approach. Wiley.

Shtub et al. (1994, 2005), Project Management: Engineering, Technology, and Implementation. Pearson Prentice.

Lockyer & Gordon (1991), Critical Path Analysis and Other Project Network Techniques, Pitman

McConnell (1996), Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules. Microsoft Press.

Marchewka (2003), Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational value. Wiley

Hallows (2005), Information System Pproject Management: how to deliver function and value in information technology projects . Amacom.

Morris (1994), The Management of Projects. Thomas Telford.

Hough (1987), The Anatomy of Major Projects. Wiley

BUAP13 Marketing Strategy
Doyle. P & Stern, P. (2006)           Marketing  

BUAP12 New Venture Management
Barrow, C., Barrow, D., & Brown, R The Business Plan Workbook, Kogan Page, Third Edition,(ISBN 0-7494-2696-9) 1998.
Barrow, C., et al (2005)   Enterprise Development, Thomson Learning,Section 1 (Chapters 1-6)

Birley, S., & Muzyka, D. F.          Mastering Entrepreneurship, FT Prentice Hall Publishing, 2000. (ISBN 0-273-64928)

(This is the new text replacing Mastering Enterprise. They are almost identical. Therefore the library copies of Mastering Enterprise are perfectly adequate.

Bolton, B., & Thompson, J.          Entrepreneurs: Temperament, Talent and Technique, Oxford:  Butterworth Heinemann

Burns, P. (2007)     Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Second Edition, Palgrave
(ISBN 1-4039-4733-3)   Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, plus Chapters 13 & 14 for the Business Plan

Deakins, D., & Freel, M.  Entrepreneurship and Small Firms , 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill
ISBN 0-07-710826-4   (2006) Chapters 4, 5, 11 and 12.

Hisrich R, & Peters, M.     Entrepreneurship (Fifth Edition, 2002) McGraw-Hill International.
(ISBN 0-07-122916-7)    or Fourth Edition 1998

Kirby, D. (2002)    Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill (ISBN  0-07-709858)

(The text by Kirby is very good on the role and nature of entrepreneurship and on the concept of the entrepreneurial organization)

Looser, U. & Schlapfer, B.     The New Venture Adventure, McKinsey & Company, 2001.
(ISBN 1-58799-003-2)

Southon, M. & West, C.    The Beermat Entrepreneur, Prentice Hall Business (2002)

Timmons, J. A.    New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century,
(ISBN 0-07-116790)   McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition, 1999.

Wickham, P. A.     Strategic Entrepreneurship. Pitman Publishing, 1998.
(ISBN 0-273-62713-9)    Second Edition 2000 FT Prentice Hall or the new Third Edition 2004.

HRMP14 - International Human Resource Management
Harzing, A-W and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds.) (2004, 2nd ed.) International Human Resource Management, London, Sage/Open University of the Netherlands

Warner, M. and Joynt, P. (Eds.) (2002, 2nd ed.) Managing Across Cultures, London, Thomson

Harris, H., Brewster, C. and Sparrow, P. (2003) International Human Resource Management, London, CIPD

The Context and Meaning of IHRM and Globalisation

Scullion, H. and Paauw, J. (2004) ‘International HRM: recent developments in theory and empirical research’, in Harzing, A-W and van Ruysseveldt J. (Eds.) (2004) International Human Resource Management, Chapter 3

Hollinshead, G. and Leat, M. (1995) Human Resource Management: an International and Comparative Perspective, Chapters 1,2,3

Harris, H., Brewster, C. and Sparrow, P. (2003) International Human Resource Management, Chapter 4

Dicken, P. (2003, 4th ed.) Global Shift: the internationalisation of economic activity

Brewster, C. and Tyson, S. (1991) International Comparisons in HRM, Chapter 1

Managing Across Cultures

Hofstede, G. (1980) Culture’s Consequences

Sorge, A. (2004) Cross national differences in human resources and organization’ in Harzing, A-W and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds.) (2004) International Human Resource Management, Chapter 5

Romani, L. (2004) ‘ Culture in management: the measurement of differences’ in Harzing, A-W and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds.) (2004) International Human Resource Management, Chapter 6

Harris, H., Brewster, C. and Sparrow, P. (2003) International Human Resource Management, Chapters 2, 3

Schneider, S. and Barsoux, J-L. (2003, 2nd ed.) Managing across cultures especially Chapters 1-3 and chapter 6

Warner, M. and Joynt, P. (Eds.) (2002, 2nd ed.) Managing across cultures, Chapters 1-5

The US Model of HRM

Warner, M. and Joynt, P. (Eds.) (2002, 2nd ed.) Managing across cultures, Chapter 6

Beaumont, P. (1992) ‘The US human resource management literature: a review’ in: Salaman, G. (Ed.) Human Resource Strategies

Guest, D. (1990) ‘Human resource management and the American Dream’, Journal of Management Studies, 27

Strauss, G. (1996) ‘Human resource management in the USA’, in: Towers, B. (Ed.) The Handbook of Human Resource Management (2nd ed.)

Lawrence P (1996), Management in the USA.

The European Model of HRM

Communal, C. and Brester, C. (2004) ‘HRM in Europe’ in Harzing, A-W and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds.) (2004) International Human Resource Management Chapter 7

Warner, M. and Joynt, P. (Eds.) (2002, 2nd ed.) Managing across cultures, Chapters 8,9

Jackson, T. (2002) International HRM: a cross-cultural approach, chapter 7

Brewster, C. (1993) ‘Developing a European model of human resource management’, IJHRM 4 (4)

Brewster, C. and Tyson, S. (1991) International Comparisons in HRM, Chapter 5

Sparrow, P. & Hiltrop, J.M. (1994) European Human Resource Management in Transition.

Kirkbride, P. (1996) ‘Human resource management – the European dimension’ in: Towers, B. (Ed.) The Handbook of Human Resource Management (2nd ed.)

Clark and Pugh (2000) ‘A European model of HRM’, International Studies in Management and Organization, 29 (4)

Sparrow P (1995) ‘A model of European MR’, International Journal of HRM, 6 (4)

The ‘Asian Model’ – (1) Japan

Salmon, J. (2004) ‘HRM in Japan’, in Budhwar, P.S. (Ed.) (2004) Managing Human Resources in Asia-Pacific

Warner, M. and Joynt, P. (Eds.) (2002. 2nd ed.) Managing across cultures, Chapter 15

Jackson, T. (2002) International HRM: a cross-cultural approach, chapter 5

Brewster, C. and Tyson, S. (1991) International Comparisons in HRM, Chapter 3

Chen, M. (2004, 2nd ed.) Asian Management Systems, Chapter 13

Brewster, C. and Tyson, S. (1991) International Comparisons in HRM, Chapter 3

Okabe (2002) ‘British and Japanese managers’, IJHRM 13 (2)

Benson, J. and Debroux, P. (2004) ‘The changing nature of Japanese HRM’, Int. Studies in Management and Org’n., 34 (1)

Kono T and Clegg S (2001), Trends in Japanese management.

Sako M and Sato H (1997), Japanese labour and management in transition.

The ‘Asian Model’ – (2) China and Taiwan

Cooke, F.L. (2004) ‘HRM in China’ in Budhwar, P.S. (Ed.) (2004) Managing Human Resources in Asia-Pacific

Wu, P.-C. (2004) ‘HRM in Taiwan’ in Budhwar, P.S. (Ed.) (2004) Managing Human Resources in Asia-Pacific

Zhu, Y. and Warner, M. (2004) ‘HRM in East Asia’, in Harzing, A-W and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds.) (2004) International Human Resource Management

Warner, M. and Joynt, P. (Eds.) (2002, 2nd ed.) Managing across cultures, Chapters 11,12, 13,

Jackson, T. (2002) International HRM: a cross-cultural approach, chapter 8

Chen, M. (2004, 2nd ed.) Asian Management Systems

Brewster, C. and Tyson, S. (1991) International Comparisons in HRM, Chapters 4, 6, 12

Child, J. (1991) ‘A foreign perspective on the management of people in China’ IJHRM , 2 (1)

Warner, M. (1993) ‘Human Resource Management “with Chinese characteristics”’ IJHRM 4 (1)

Rowley, Warner and Benson (2004) ‘An Asian model of MRH’, IJHRM 15 (4-5)

HRM in Developing Countries

Jackson, T. (2004) ‘HRM in developing countries’ in Harzing, A.-W. and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds.) (2004) International Human Resource Management Chapter 9

Budhwar, P. & Debrah, Y. (Eds.) (2001) Human Resource Management in Developing Countries

Brewster, C. and Tyson, S. (1991) International Comparisons in HRM, Chapter 10

Gardiner, K. ‘Managing in different cultures; the case of Ghana’ in: Towers, B. (Ed.) The Handbook of Human Resource Management (2nd ed.)

MNCs – Structures and Strategies

Harzing, A-W (2004) ‘Strategy and structure of multinational companies’ in Harzing, A.-W. and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds.) (2004) International Human Resource Management Chapter 2

Hollinshead, G. and Leat, M. (1995) Human Resource Management: an International and Comparative Perspective, Chapter 4

Harris, H., Brewster, C. and Sparrow, P. (2003) International Human Resource Management, Chapter 9

Transnational Divisions of Labour and Ethical Issues in Transnational HRM:

Harzing, A-W and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds.) (2004) International Human Resource Management Chapter 1.

Sklair, L. (2002) ‘Globalisation and management: the role of the transnational capitalist class’ in: Warner, M. and Joynt, P. (Eds.) (2002, 2nd ed.) Managing across cultures (chapter 21)

Dicken, P. (2003, 4th ed.) Global Shift: the internationalisation of economic activity, Chapters 15, 16, 17, 18

Stiglitz, J. (2003) Globalisation and its discontents

International Industrial Relations

Harzing, A.-W. and van Ruysseveldt, J. (Eds.) (2004), International Human Resource Management Chapters 15, 16, 17, 18.

It is strongly recommended that you regularly consult the academic and practitioner journals, to familiarise yourself with current research and developments in practice in international and comparative human resource management. Relevant journals include:

The International Journal of Human Resource Management       

International Labour Review

International Studies of Management and Organization              

Human Resource Management Journal

Economic and Industrial Democracy

Journal of Development Studies                                                   

International Journal of Industrial Organization                            

Personnel Review

The China Business Review    

Japan Labor Review                                                   

People Management

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