此贴在2008/9/23 6:25:52被*可馨*编辑过
1. Modern Financial Management,Ross.Westerfiled.Jaffe.Jordan (Eight Edition) £33.00
2. Global Financial Accounting and Reporting (Principles and Analysis), Peter Walton and Walter Aerts (2006) £27.00
3. Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, John C. Hull (Sixth Edition) £22.00
4. International Financial Management, Jeff Madura Roland Fox (2007) £28.00
5. Essentials of Economics, John Sloman (Fourth Edition) £23.00
6. Essentials of Economics, John Sloman (Second Edition) £15.00
7. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Ross Westerfield Jordan (Six Edition) £5.00
8. Investments, Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan Marcus (Fifth Edition) £5.00
9. Corporate Finance, Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey F. Jaffe) £5.00
10. Pinter (Epson) £5.00
11. Pinter (Lexmark) £8.00