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[公告] 关于在斯特林大学内停车的规章常见问题回答
admin(2008/9/30 20:55:47)  点击:110856  回复:2  IP:212.* * *


Car Parking Office
Room 4.Z2
Cottrell Building
Tel: Ext: 01786 46(6065)
E-mail: [email protected]

How does the permit scheme work?
A: The principle behind the scheme is that anyone wishing to bring a car on to campus must display a valid permit and park in a designated space. Possession of a permit does NOT confer a guaranteed parking space but rather allows access to the campus and the opportunity to search for a parking space. Three major types of permit are issued:

· Standard / Full Year Permits (Staff and Students)
· Low User Permits (Staff and Students)
· Single Semester Permits (Students only)
Details of these permits, along with instructions as to which is appropriate for you, are contained within the enclosed information.

How do I get a permit?
A: Permits are obtained by completing the online Application; via University Portal. An email will be sent advising when Permit is ready for collection and what documents are required.
The different types of permit are outlined within the University’s Traffic and Parking Regulations.

In addition another type of permit is in use:
· Season Visitor Permit

What if I only get “dropped off” at the University?
A: Staff or Students who are regularly “dropped off” or “picked up” on campus should apply for a “Drop Off Permit”. Details will be entered onto the Car Parking computer system to enable the barriers to rise automatically when any of the registered vehicles approaches. Staff and Students must note that “Drop Off/Pick Up” vehicles are not entitled to park on campus. Where such vehicles are found to be parked in any of the University Car Parks, this will be treated as a breach of the University’s Traffic & Parking Regulations and future access will be denied.

How can visitors gain access to the campus?
A: Visitors to University Departments or Offices should be encouraged to consider using public transport to reach the campus. Visitors can access a range of travel information by logging on to the Getting Here section of the University’s website.

Where it is known that visitors will be arriving by car, host Departments or Offices should instruct the visitor to approach the staffed parking control booth via the Visitors’ Lane at the main entrance. Here a Visitor Permit will be issued which will be valid for that day
only and must be displayed in the vehicle windscreen.

Regular visitors engaged in University related activities may be issued with a Season Visitor Permit by arrangement with the Estates and Campus Services Office. Application forms are available on request from the Car Parking Office, Estates and Campus Services ([email protected]), and must be approved by the relevant Head of Department.

How much will my permit cost?
A: Charges for permits will be based on the carbon emission figure for the vehicle and a sliding scale of charges, as detailed below:


How can I pay for my permit?
A: A number of different payment options are available, dependent upon your specific need. The main payment options are outlined below:
1. Standard Permit (Staff) – Either one lump sum payment direct from salary or 12 monthly instalments direct from salary or by cheque made payable to University of Stirling or by cash or by credit/debit card
2. Standard Permit (Student) – Either cheque made payable to University of Stirling or by cash or by credit/debit card
3. Low User Permit (Staff or Student) – Either cheque made payable to University of Stirling or by cash or by credit/debit card
4. Single Semester Permit (Student only) – Either cheque made payable to University of Stirling or by cash or by credit/debit card

What if I car share?
A: Those who choose to car share can, in effect, share one single application between a number of cars. Each car will be registered on the system and issued with one single shared permit, which must be displayed on which ever vehicle is being used on any given day. Formal car sharers must not try to bring more than one of the registered cars onto campus on any single day, unless they have given prior notice to the Car Parking Office, since this will be treated as a breach of the University’s Regulations. A breach by any vehicle listed on the car sharing application form will be treated as a joint breach. As with individual permit holders, all cars listed on a car sharing application will be banned following the second breach. This permit will be made free of charge.

What if I only need to bring my car onto campus occasionally?
What if I am on placement as part of my academic course?

A: Drivers who anticipate parking on campus no more than 10 times over the course of the academic year, may apply for a book of 10 low user vouchers. This book will be issued free of charge. Students living On Campus must contact Car Parking Office to make alternative

Drivers who anticipate parking on campus no more than 40 or 80 times over the course of the academic year, should apply for a total of 40 or 80 low user vouchers as appropriate. A maximum of 80 vouchers will be issued per applicant per parking year.

Please note that drivers who have been issued with 10 free vouchers will have this initial quantity deducted from any subsequent purchase of 40 or 80 low user vouchers. Please see Traffic and Parking Regulation No. 8 for further details.

What if I don’t buy a permit?
What if I breach the University’s Traffic and Parking Regulations?
A: Staff or students found to be in breach of the University’s Traffic and Parking Regulations, by not having a valid permit and/or by parking inappropriately and/or by seeking to defraud the system, are liable to receive a yellow warning sticker with the breach of Regulations
logged by the Car Parking Office. Any subsequent breach will result in a further yellow sticker being issued and the relevant driver banned from bringing any vehicles on to campus. Permit holders should note this change to the Regulations – all registered vehicles will
be banned after incurring TWO breaches. Staff, students and visitors who persistently flout the University’s Traffic and Parking Regulations in a given parking year will be banned from bringing a car on to campus for the remainder of that parking year and ALSO
from bringing a car on to campus or applying for a permit in the SUBSEQUENT parking year.

When do the barriers ‘go live’?
A: With effect from Monday 29 September 2008 any vehicle not displaying a valid permit and any associated vouchers will be deemed to be in breach of the University’s Traffic and parking Regulations.
.1.  回复:[公告] 关于在斯特林大学内停车的规章常见问题回答
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