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【视频】University of Stirling 对于新建图书馆的构思视频
frank1226(2009/4/8 1:09:28)  点击:82494  回复:0  IP:212.* * *

Library Development Campaign - University of Stirling

This is James Naughtie, Chancellor of the University of Stirling, a place that’s everything a University should be.  Innovative and inspiring, with students at its heart, research and teaching, looks out to the world, and draws on the best ideas and freshest thinking, and it’s time, after 40 years, to give the University Library a new modern face, bringing it up-to-date to make it the hub of the University as it should be, a creative and stimulating place serving our students, teachers, researchers and the local community too.  Libraries should be welcoming and warm.

Here on Level 2 the Stirling learning gateway will introduce students to what’s in the Library, not only books and periodicals but the chance of academic consultations,  modern information systems with first class staff to help.  A place for visitors in an atmosphere of welcome that catches the spirit of a new building and a place with a purpose.  Alongside, the University of Stirling Archive is a growing collection of rarities and important collections from, for example, the work of the film director, Lindsay Anderson, father of the documentary John Grierson, Dickens’ works in their original serial form, a collection of early Walter Scott, the University of Stirling’s Napoleonic collection.

Up on Level 3 you will find the International Enterprise Zone and the contemporary approach to learning.  Quite new, it explores ideas and initiatives in some of the University’s academic strong suits in enterprise and the economy, health and wellbeing, the environment, culture and society, and sport.  Approaches that would have seemed futuristic when the Library first opened its doors but which are now at the heart of a 21st century University’s work.  

And at Level 4 there is something else that a Library needs; simple peace and quiet.  It’s a good place to work, to think, to take time, and light streams through a new glass roof and reminds you that the beauties of Stirling campus are never far away even when you’re working.

The University of Stirling, as I know, has great people and it’s always changing for the better.  It is a great place to be.

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