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what is Stirling University Students Association (SUSA) ?
SUSA(2009/4/11 19:10:52)  点击:107251  回复:1  IP:212.* * *


Your Support, Your Student Experience, Your Voice

Stirling University Students' Association is the body representing and supporting students at the University of Stirling.

All students at the University of Stirling are automatically members of SUSA when you join the University. They are formally represented by elected officers and these carry out the business of SUSA on the behalf of all students.

SUSA's main job is to represent Stirling students' interestes - whether it be to the University or to the wider world. Beyond that SUSA is concerned with the lives of students in Welfare, Clubs and Societies, Sport, Bars & Catering, Entertainment, Campus Media and Campaigns on any student-relevant issues.

SUSA also provides services in terms of general information and support, a shop, a print-room, bars and catering facilities, and a full suite of web-based services online at http://www.susaonline.org.uk.

SUSA is an open and accessible place, with committed officers who are here to try and make a genuine difference in the lives of all students. If you have a problem and you are not sure who to speak to, then please come and see us in the SUSA office (At the top of the stairs to in the Robbins Centre).

.1.  Re: what is Stirling University Students Association (SUSA) ...
SUSA(2009/4/11 19:11:47)  IP:212.* * *
SUSA's Constitution
The governing document which sets down how the Association operates, there are also several supplementary documents which further clarify specific procedures and institutions:

Marketing Information
Information for companies wishing to work with, or advertise with SUSA can be obtained here, including information on pricing, terms and conditions, and SUSA's ethics policies.

Equal Opportunities Policy
The Association is committed to Equal Opportunities in all aspects of its operations including staffing, representation and commercial operations. This document codifies this commitment.

Getting Further Information
Further information can be obtained on application to the SUSA office:
By post: SUSA, The Robbins Centre, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA
By Phone: SUSA Office (01786) 467166 (Internal 7166)
By Email: [email protected]

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