1. Organizational behavior & Analysis 两本
Fincham R. and Rhodes P.(4th edition, 2005), Principles of Organizational Behavior 15磅
Fincham R. and Rhodes P.(3rd edition, 2004), Principles of Organizational Behavior 10磅
2. International financial 两本
Jeff Madura. and Roland Fox (4th edition) 30磅
Jeff Madura. and Roland Fox (7th edition) 15磅
3. Research Methods
Bryman, Alan. & Bell, Emma (2nd edition, 2007), Business Research Methods 15磅
4. International business
Peng, M (7th edition) International business 20磅
5. Strategic management
Peng, M. Global strategy 15磅
Gerry Johnson, Sholes,K. and Richard Whittington (7th edition) Exploring corporate strategy 10磅
6. Robert H. Rosenfeld & David C. Wilson managing Organizations(2nd edition) 10磅
1. HP 扫描打印复印三合一打印机,附带3盒黑色墨水和纸张 25磅
2. Samsung 录音笔 15磅
3. 9层新米奇防雨电脑包 18磅
4. 女士斗篷长宽雨衣 7磅
5. finance 考试专用计算机 5磅
6. 牛津高阶英汉双解词典 5磅
7. 1000ML 保温壶 4磅
200ML 保温壶 1磅
Lock Lock 水壶 1磅
8. 黑色精致台灯 4磅
9. 黄色卡通闹钟 3磅
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