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fjing(2009/7/2 23:56:26)  点击:82762  回复:4  IP:217.* * *
Autumn Semester
Module(科目) Subjects Title(书名) Edition Price
Organization Behaviour MBA/IB/M/HR Work and Organization Behaviour 1st 2007 20 Pounds
Finance & Accounting MBA/Management Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 5th 2008 20 Pounds
Quantitative Management MBA/Management Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions 6th 2008 20 Pounds
Economics MBA/IA Essentials of Economics 4th 2007 15 Pounds
Internation Business MBA/IB Global Business 20 Pounds
Marketing Management MBA/Marketing (1)Markenting 1st 2008 20 Pounds
(2)Principles of Marketing 11th 2007 4 Pounds
Spring Semester
Strategy Management MBA/IB/M/Media (1)Exploring Corpotate Stratege:Text & Cases 4th 5 Pounds
(2)Strategy:Winning In the Marketplace 2nd 2007 2 Pounds
International HRM MBA/IB/M/HR (1)International Human Resourse Management 2nd 2008 15 Pounds
(2)Human Resource Management 9th 2004 5 Pounds
Marketing Strategy MBA/Marketing (1)Marketing Management and Strategy 2th 5 Pounds
(2)Marketing Strategy Desktop Guide(中文) 2th 2008 3 Pounds
Intermational Marketing MBA/Marketing Internatioanl Marketing: A Globle Perspective 3rd 2006 25 Pounds
E-Commerce MBA Electronic Commerce (中文) 6th 2007 3 Pounds
Project Management MBA/Management Achieving Competitive Advantage(中文) 3 Pounds

.1.  回复:【出售】MBA/IB/Management/Marketing等管理类相关专业教材
raizen(2009/7/5 6:07:14)  IP:139.* * *
请问这个是 读MASTER的还是BACHELOR 的啊?
.2.  回复:【出售】MBA/IB/Management/Marketing等管理类相关专业教材
fjing(2009/7/7 18:59:51)  IP:139.* * *
此贴在2009/7/11 6:45:36被*fjing*编辑过

All books are suitable for Postgraduate students, while 'Quantitative', 'E-commerce' & 'Project' items could be useful to undergraduates as well, because both of post- and undergraduate students share the lectures for these subjects.
.3.  回复:【出售】MBA/IB/Management/Marketing等管理类相关专业教材
BKwok(2009/7/11 5:10:27)  IP:139.* * *
.4.  回复:【出售】MBA/IB/Management/Marketing等管理类相关专业教材
fjing(2009/7/11 6:55:40)  IP:86.* * *
Quantitative和Project的书,本科是适用的。一个本科的MM还和我一起完成了这两科的作业(主题类似,只是对本科的要求要简单些),她这两科Essay的成绩都是A哦,Q的成绩甚至是全年级第一! 所以这些课呢,要学会发现并锁定一些有经验的Postguraduates,那你想不通过都难呵
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