[推荐] 英国西斯罗机场怎么走Rebecca(2007/5/12 9:25:03) 点击:
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212.* * * 这是到英国之前一个朋友写给我的,关于西斯罗机场怎么走。贴在这里, 也许对将要来英国的朋友有所帮助。注意,这个信息适用于乘坐英航飞机的朋友。因为降落的‘Terminal’好像不一样。
A few things need to remember:
1. your luggage is limited and you only need to bring the most wanted staffs. The staffs you need to use in your study are important rather than the living use items.
2. take all documents with you. All letters from your universities and language centre are important. Your passport and tickets.
3. be careful with your money and important belongings. Always keep your hand bag with you.
4. the journey will take 10 hours and 40 minutes. It is long time but not too hard. you can have very good food and drinks on the flight. Enjoy yourself.
5. you will arrive at London Heathrow Airport at 15:25 p.m.. Normally at Terminal 4.
6. after get off the aeroplane, you need to follow the people, going forward. It is better to find a Chinese who is familiar to Heathrow Airport. There are very clear signs indicating "arrival" on your way. Just follow the "arrival" you can get out.
7. after about 10 minutes walk, you will arrive at Immigration Control. You need to go through Non-EU path. you will meet a long queue there. Everyone will be examined by immigration officer. Don't worry about it. The officer may ask you some questions Such as " what will you do in this country, which school are you going to study".He/she will check your documents(passport and visa, university offer letter). you need to provide the university offer letter and the language centre offer. You can speak English as much as you can. If you feel hard to understand please ask to repeat(pardon please). You will pass the gate shortly.
8. you need follow the sign "arrival" and "luggage acclaim" and continue going. You will arrive at luggage pick-up area. find you bag there. And you will continue going.
9. about 8 minutes you will go out the passway and arrive at the passenger waiting hall. I WILL PICK UP YOU THERE. Be careful to look around and I will stand along the waiting people.
10. If anything wrong, ask any service person in the airport, they will be very helpful.