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Stirling University professor gets taiwan honour
stirnews(2009/11/3 17:30:10)  点击:86379  回复:0  IP:212.* * *
STIRLING University deputy principal Professor Grant Jarvie has become the first European to receive an honorary degree from one of the top universities in Taiwan.

Recognising Professor Jarvie's contribution to promoting international co-operation over a 25 year period, the National Taiwan Sport University (NTSU) invited him to receive an Honorary Doctorate.

Graciously accepting the invitation, Professor Jarvie was treated to a stunning event which included the formal ceremony followed by commemorative planting of a tree and being honoured by a university choir singing a song in his honour.

The award is normally bestowed upon politicians and national celebrities, but Professor Jarvie was selected by the NTSU Honorary Degree Committee partly because of his renowned research work in sport, health and education, which has been translated into many languages worldwide

Professor Jarvie, who becomes the first European recipient of an honorary doctorate from NTSU, was also acknowledged for having worked for almost three decades with international students and organising international exchanges between different universities.

More than 300 guests watched on as eulogies were delivered in his honour by President Chou, the Principal of the NTSU, which boasts world-class sports facilities and a centre of excellence akin to Stirling, Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence

During the ceremony, Professor Jarvie, clad in an NTSU gown, was taken through the formal 'Tassel Shifting' process, before receiving further remembrance gifts of plaques and flowers. After the ceremony, he planted a tree outside the university and was inducted into the NTSU Hall of Fame.

During the visit, Professor Jarvie also had the opportunity to meet a number of Stirling University alumni and business people in Hong Kong, including one former undergraduate student who went on to broker the marketing rights for Manchester United FC in Asia.

Professor Jarvie said: 'It was a privilege and an honour to receive the honorary doctorate degree from the National Taiwan Sport University, but I see this as an award not just for my own work, but for the University of Stirling which I represent.'

'It was a wonderful experience and I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to meet former Stirling students. It was really pleasing to hear the warmth of feeling they still have for the university and many of them are now working in senior positions at universities and in businesses across the world.'

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