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甩卖大量书籍 送货上门
兜兜(2009/12/30 20:05:48)  点击:82511  回复:0  IP:86.* * *
Statistics for Business and Economics                                      10
Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Freeman, Shoesmith                     

International Financial Management                                        10
Jeff Madura, Roland Fox

International Financial Reporting and Analysis   3ed edition                   15
David Alexander, Anne Britton, Ann Jorissen

Accounting Information System    10th edition                               10
Marshall Romney, Paul Steinbart

Financial Accounting and Reporting   11th edition                            10
Barry Elliott, Jamie Elliott

Personal Financial Planning Theory and Practice                             10
Debbie Harrison

Investment    7th edition                                                  10
Reilly, Norton

Corporate Finance    7th edition                                            10
Ross Westerfield Jaffe

Human Resource, Business Studies & Marketing Books:
Human Resource Management     5th edition                               10
Derek Torrington, Laura Hall, Stephen Taylor

Personnel Management       3ed edition                                   10
Stephen Bach, Keith Sisson

Learning & Development      4th edition                                     10
Rosemary Harrison

The Dynamics of Employee Relations     3ed edition                          10
Paul Blyton and Peter Turnbull

Understanding the consumer                                                10
Bernard Dubois

Events Management         2nd Edition                                      10
Glenn Bowdin, Johny Allen, William O’Toole, Rob Harris, Ian McDonnell

International business theories policies and practices                           10
Monir tayeb

Strategy Process, Content, Context                                           10
Bob De Wit, Ron Meyer

Managing information and Systems                                           10
Adrienne Curry, Peter Flett, Ivan Hollingsworth

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