英国格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)商务,社会科学与法律硕士预科课程86scot(2011/1/13 18:50:20) 点击:
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218.* * * 英国格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)硕士预科课程(Pre-Masters)由格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)与Kaplan International Colleges机构合作开设,在格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)内的格拉斯哥国际学院(Glasgow International College)授课。
MBA [工商管理硕士]
MSc Banking and Financial Services[银行和金融服务]
MSc Central Banking [中央银行学]
MSc International Trade and Finance[国际贸易和金融]
MSc Economic and Financial Sector Policies[经济和金融部门政策]
MSc Economics, Banking and Finance[经济,银行和金融]
MSc Financial Economics[金融经济]
MSc Finance and Economic Development[金融和经济发展]
MSc Financial Forecasting and Investment[金融预测和投资]
MSc Financial Risk Management[金融风险管理]
MSc Human Resource Management[人力资源管理]
MAcc International Accounting and Financial Management[国际会计和金融管理]
MSc International Banking and Finance[国际银行和金融]
MSc International Business & Entrepreneurship[国际企业和企业]
MSc International Corporate Finance and Banking[国际企业金融及银行]
MSc International Development[国际发展]
MSc International Financial Analysis[国际金融分析]
MSc International Finance and Economic Policy[国际金融和经济政策]
MFin International Finance[国际金融]
MSc International Financial Economics[国际金融经济]
MSc International Trade and Finance [国际贸易和金融]
MSc Investment Banking and Finance[投资银行和金融]
MSc Management [管理]
MSc Management with International Finance[管理与国际金融]
MSc Management with Real Estate[管理与房地产]
MSc Quantitative Finance[计量财务学]
MSc Strategic Marketing[战略营销]
LLM Law[法律]
LLM Corporate and Financial Law[企业与金融法]
LLM International Commercial Law[国际商法]
LLM International Competition Law and Policy [国际竞争法和竞争政策]
LLM International Law[国际法]
MSc Adult and Continuing Education[成人及继续教育]
Msc Applied Social Research[应用社会研究]
MSc China in the International Arena[国际舞台上的中国]
MSc City and Regional Planning[城市与区域规划]
MSc City Planning and Real Estate Development[城市规划与房地产开发]
MSc City Planning and Regeneration[城市规划与重建]
MSc Contemporary Economic History[当代经济史]
MSc Development Studies[发展研究]
MSc Economic Development[经济发展]
MSc Educational Studies[教育学]
MSc Environment and Sustainable Development[环境与可持续发展]
MSc Equality and Human Rights[平等和人权]
MSc European Politics[欧洲政治]
MSc European Politics and Law[欧洲政治与法律]
MSc Europe and International Development[欧洲和国际发展]
MSc Housing Studies[住房学]
MSc Human Rights and International Politics[人权与国际政治]
MSc International Politics[国际政治]
MSc Political Communication[政治沟通]
MSc Project Planning and Development Policy Analysis[项目规划与发展政策分析]
MSc Public Policy[公共政策]
MSc Real Estate[房地产]
MSc Real Estate and Regeneration[房地产和重建]
MSc Russian Central and East European Studies[俄罗斯中部和东部欧洲研究]
MSc Social History[社会史]
MSc Social Science Research[社会科学研究]
MSc Sociology[社会学]
MSc Urban and Housing Practice[城市和住房实务]
MSc Urban Policy and Practice[城市政策与实践]
MSc Urban Regeneration[城市再生]
雅思5分: 课程长度为3学前。
QQ: 707474988,1505659078
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发布:英国学子教育 www.suuk.org