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[分享] Stirling大学出租房子的规矩
infonews(2011/1/31 20:54:25)  点击:86480  回复:1  IP:139.* * *
此贴在2011/3/1 1:06:17被*infonews*编辑过




(摘要, 全文请见:http://www.studentaccommodation.stir.ac.uk/docs-downloads/index.php)

1. The University will, for the period stated and at the charge specified, allow the student named in the Accommodation Agreement, to occupy the study bedroom/University flat.
2. The University will provide limited heating and cleaning services. It is the student’s responsibility to clean his/her own room and keep the kitchen and bathroom clean. The University cleaners will assist in the cleaning of all shared social areas, with the exception of the Married/Family flats.
3. Twin-bedded rooms are initially allocated on a single occupancy basis and as such, the student will be charged rent for single occupancy. However, if it becomes necessary the Head of Residential Services has the sole right to allocate another student to a twin-bedded room. Each student will then be charged rent for double occupancy.
4. The University will insure the buildings and furniture belonging to the University against loss or damage caused by fire. Block insurance is provided for student’s personal belongings.
5. The student will pay the charge for the session or portion thereof at the rate specified overleaf by Direct Debit (but not by other method unless agreed by the Head of Residential Services).
6. The student will remain liable for any unpaid charges at the date of termination of the Accommodation Agreement until paid. Non-payment during the course of the Agreement shall entitle the University to terminate the Agreement.
7. Candles and similar burning or smouldering materials, lit or unlit, are forbidden in all University residences.
8. No subletting of rooms is allowed without the approval of the Head of Residential Services. If a student wishes to grant the right of occupation to another full-time registered student during vacation periods he/she must have the written permission of the Head of Residential Services.
9. The student shall not alter the fabric of the accommodation or its furniture and shall maintain the accommodation and its furniture in good and clean condition throughout the period of the Agreement and leave it in such good and clean condition at the termination of the Agreement, fair wear and tear excepted.
11. The student shall meet the cost of making good any damage or loss caused to the accommodation or its furniture. Any loss or damage to the accommodation or furniture shall be reported as soon as practicable to the Head of Residential Services. The University will instruct the necessary work to be carried out and invoice the student accordingly.
12. The student must allow access for the University Secretary and his staff, members of the University residential services staff, domestic, medical, cleaning and maintenance staff to the accommodation to carry out their duties. This includes Health & Safety Inspections where no advance notice will be given.
13. The student must allow access if required by the Head of Residential Services to allow alterations/improvements to be carried out to the premises, as a result of change of legislation. Adequate notice will be provided.
14. Should the accommodation be required by the University to be made vacant for any purpose then the student will move to alternative accommodation provided by the University after receiving a reasonable period of notice.
15. Pets and other animals are not permitted to be kept in the accommodation.
16. The student or any person permitted by him/her to be present in the accommodation may not have in the accommodation or its vicinity any firearm or other dangerous weapon, substance or item.
17. The student and any person permitted by him/her to be in the accommodation shall comply with the current regulations set out in the Calendar of the University of Stirling and in the Code of Conduct for Student Residences. In the event of any conflict the conditions of the Agreement and the supplementary Information Booklets shall prevail.
18. The student or any person or persons permitted by him/her to be in the accommodation shall not indulge in behaviour involving aggression, violence or damage to persons or property or involving excessive noise or causing annoyance to other residents. The student is responsible for the behaviour of his/her visitors. The University Secretary or his nominee shall be the sole judge of what constitutes excessive noise or nuisance.
19. The student or any person permitted by him/her to be in the accommodation shall not have and shall not permit any other person to have any controlled drug within the accommodation or in the vicinity of the accommodation.
20. The student and anyone permitted by him/her to be in the accommodation shall observe the University’s “No Smoking” policy.
21. A student accepting this Agreement also accepts registration by the responsible person for purposes required by law.
22. It is the responsibility of the occupant to ensure that all personal items of electrical equipment are in a serviceable and safe condition.文字
.1.  回复:[分享] Stirling大学出租房子的规矩
fenycn(2011/3/1 21:55:10)  IP:183.* * *
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