此贴在2011/9/17 19:12:37被*molyie*编辑过
本人因个人原因 转租Alangrange房间 离学校非常近 从pathfoot步行不到5分钟路程 包所有bill 可住50周 中途不用搬家 有意向想住的 或者有朋友想住的 可以联系我 随时可以搬进去。本人已交300镑押金 如果诚心想住的 300镑押金可以不需再支付。
有意者联系QQ282371797 或者电话07548699063和447440545752
Located just off-campus, and within easy walking distance of all teaching buildings, Alangrange boasts 44 study bedrooms, each equipped with wash hand basin. The residence also offers a large communal lounge area, four kitchens and ample shower rooms and bathrooms. Limited vehicle parking is also available. Internet access sockets have been installed in study bedrooms. Computers connected to these sockets have access to all of the computing resources, including filestore, e-mail and print facilities, and use of the Internet for restricted web browsing.