葡萄柚鸡肉沙拉(Grapefruit Chicken Salad)linjunmin(2007/3/7 14:24:11) 点击:
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81.* * * 葡萄柚鸡肉沙拉(Grapefruit Chicken Salad)
葡萄柚1颗 鸡胸肉半斤(300g)
包心生菜1颗 洋葱头1个
1 grapefruit 300g chicken breast
1 head lettuce 1 onion
柠檬汁1小匙 和风酱适量(芝麻味)
1 teaspoon of lemon juice Japanese slald dressing
做法 Method
1. 鸡胸肉煮熟,刨丝放凉备用。
Heat chicken breast until cooked. Rip into strips and cool. Set aside.
2. 葡萄柚横切一半,用汤匙挖出果肉。
Cut grapefruit into half and use spoon to remove flesh.
3. 包心生菜撕成块状;洋葱一半切碎丁,一半磨成泥。
Use hand to rip salad into large cubes. Dice 1/2 onion, mince 1/2 onion.
4. 取一平盘,铺上撕成块状的生菜,依序放上做法1的鸡胸肉丝、做法2的葡萄柚果肉以及做法3的洋葱丁与洋葱泥,最后淋上柠檬汁和和风酱即可。
Place lettuce on a flat plate followed by chicken strips and then grapefruit flash. Finally top with minced and diced onion. Lastly, sprinkle with lemon juice and Japanese salad dressing.