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[原创] Job Opportunity at Alexander Mann Solutions Shanghai Office
lana1201(2013/8/27 12:45:09)  点击:81766  回复:1  IP:180.* * *
此贴在2013/8/27 12:45:56被*lana1201*编辑过

Job Opportunity at AMS
Welcome all the Chinese HRM graduates!
Title: Sourcing Specialist
Location: Shanghai


Inspiring People

It’s who we are and what we do.

As Sourcing Specialist(Researcher) in Shanghai, you will play a vital role in supporting the Client Services team and creating a talent pool of suitable candidates.

Based on-site with the client, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the client’s business to develop specialist expertise around a variety of creative sourcing methods and talent pool development.

Alexander Mann Solutions is the recognized leader in international Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). Closely partnering with clients in over 60 countries to transform their recruitment processes to deliver more effective results, we offer innovation, expertise and opportunity to both our clients and our employees alike.

Inspired? From a Sourcing Specialist we would expect:

Strong administration and coordination experience
Basic to intermediate Microsoft Office skills
Experience working in a telephone-based environment or in a role involving contacting stakeholders by phone
Good written and spoken English language skills

Where will you fit in as a Sourcing Specialist? This role is all about:

Undertaking sourcing activities to support the Client Services team
Utilizing a variety of channels to create talent pools of suitable candidates in a cost effective manner
Being responsive and detail focused

For a deeper look at the role and application details please contact me will once needed.

D: +86 021 3220 1019
Mobile: +86 15002109226
Email: [email protected]

.1.  回复:[原创] Job Opportunity at Alexander Mann Solutions Shang...
lana1201(2013/8/28 12:25:47)  IP:180.* * *
此贴在2013/8/30 10:41:01被*lana1201*编辑过

实习生我们公司也在找,所以如果学HR的学弟学妹们有兴趣,请尽快联系我哦O(∩_∩)O qq:642383278
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