.1. 回复:英国人看英国大学档次wtw(2007/11/12 3:31:37) IP:
61.* * * 具体那些学校在英国人心中是“贵族”的。这个可以去看看times做的统计。这个应该不会有什么弄虚作假的成分在里面,呵呵
Most middle class % of students drawn fromP social classes A, B and C1
1 Cambridge 90.9 >
2 Oxford 90.4
3 Bristol 89.4
4 Edinburgh 87.2
5 Durham 86.5
6 Nottingham 86.0
7= Imperial College 85.5
7= St Andrews 85.5
9 University College London 85.1
Most working class % of students drawn from social classes C2, D and E
1 Wolverhampton 47.5 <
2 Bolton Institute 44.5
3 East London 43.8 <
4 Paisley 40.2
5 Swansea Institute 39.6
6= Luton 39.0
6= North East Wales Institute 39.0
6= Ulster 39.0
9= Edge Hill 38.6
9= Greenwich 38.6 大家可以看到,这个working class oriented的学校和middle class的基本是根本不能比的。