
新闻来源:University of Stirling

2006/10/22 12:45:04  发表于6661天前  1348

Congratulations on your impending Graduation.

The Winter Graduations will be held on:

Friday 3 November 2006 in Inverness Cathedral, Ardross Street, Inverness


Wednesday 22 November 2006 in the Albert Halls, Dumbarton Road, Stirling.

Please read these Graduation pages to make sure you are clear on what you should do in advance, for example, order your robes, request extra tickets (Stirling ceremonies only), inform the University of any special needs or mobility issues.   

You must be sure that you know what will happen on the actual day, for example, which ceremony have you been allocated to, what you need to do on the day, are you clear on where you are going, have you given thought to transport and car parking, and so on. When planning your travel please note that all Graduands must be fully robed 1 hour before the start of the Ceremony.

The Chancellor, Principal & Vice-Chancellor and University Secretary will be in attendance (whom failing Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Principal and Academic Registrar will preside.)

The doors open to the public 45 minutes before the start of the Ceremony provided preparations have been completed.  

We are currently mailing out to all students however if you have any concerns please contact the Student Records Office on +44 (0)1786 467054. In this mailing you will receive a graduation registration form which you should complete and return to the University by the date stated on the letter. The graduation fee is £45.00 which allows you, and two guests, to attend both the ceremony and reception, gives you life membership to the University of Stirling alumni association and contributes towards the cost of organising graduations and the receptions. If available, extra tickets cost £14.00 and include entry to both ceremony and reception. If you do not wish to attend but wish to graduate 'in absentia' the cost is £15.00 which also includes life membership to the University of Stirling alumni association.

Please Note: If you are experiencing difficulty making payment or if you are out of the country and do not have a UK bank account then please contact the Student Records Office on tel: +44 (0)1786 467054 or on email at: [email protected]

Standard Allocation of Tickets

The standard allocation of tickets is three - one for the graduand and two guests. These will be sent out to UK address holders beforehand. Those who do not have a UK address should collect their standard tickets on the day. Any queries regarding the standard allocation of tickets please contact the Student Records Office on tel: +44 (0)1786 467054 or on email at: [email protected]

Extra Tickets

See our web page with all the information you need about extra tickets.

Graduands, guests and staff attending a graduation should be aware that Graduation Ceremonies are regarded as public events.  Names of graduates are published in the Graduation Programme and audio/visual images of the ceremony are publicly available. Please notify your guests.

For further information, please contact:

contact us > > >

Khlayre Mullin
Development & Events Manager
Communications & Development Office
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Scotland, UK

telephone Tel: + 44 (0) 1786 466675
fax Fax: + 44 (0) 1786 463000
email Email: [email protected]

上一条本地资讯:Art at the University


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