

2007/10/1 12:45:04  发表于6317天前  1148

斯特灵市政府和Clackmannanshire郡政府通告,从2007101日开始本地零售商不得向18周岁以下的青少年出售烟草制品;青少年的合法吸烟年龄又原来的16 周岁变为18周岁。



Retailers will have to ensure that all their staff is aware of the changes in the legislation and a notice must be displayed on the premises stating that it is an offence to sell tobacco products to any person under 18 years old.

Selling tobacco products to someone under the legal age could result in a fine of up to £2,500. Failing to display the statutory notice could result in a fine of up to £1,000. This applies both to over the counter and vending machine sales.

Neil Chalmers Trading Standards Manager said, “It will be difficult at first for retailers and young people getting used to the change in legislation. The best advice for retailers is to ask the person for proof of age unless they are convinced they are over 21 years old. Young people who are 16 and 17 years old must realise it is not the retailers fault that they are no longer able to sell them cigarettes and not take it out on them.”

Proof of age can including photo driving licence, passport or the Young Scot entitlement card which is PASS (Proof of Age Standard Scheme) accredited.

For further information regarding the increase in the age limit for the sale of tobacco you can contact Trading Standards on 01786 432170 for an information pack of visit www.tobaccochangescotland.co.uk The website provides more information for retailers and advice for training staff.
来源:Stirling Council



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