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MSc Retail Management课程结构 2008/09
monica(2008/8/23 4:41:59)  点击:105269  回复:2  IP:212.* * *
此贴在2008/8/26 15:52:14被*monica*编辑过

Marketing Department的都只有课程结构,没有参考教材名单,郁闷~~~~~

Professional Skills in Marketing
This module lays the foundation for the development of skills in teamwork through providing opportunities for formal study and practice.

Retail Strategy
The aim of this module is to examine the role of top management in setting the direction of an organisation, and to understand how senior managers in retailing confront strategic issues.

Research Techniques and Applications
This module will develop your knowledge and understanding of the nature, scope and types of marketing research, the range of research methods and techniques available to the market researcher and their application to marketing problems.

Retail Marketing
This module aims to increase your knowledge and understanding of the role of marketing in retailing and vice versa.

Retail Management Applications
The module is based on live, 'hands-on' projects undertaken by groups of around 7 students.

Research Evaluation and Research Design
This module focuses on how academic, published research may be evaluated in terms of its theory, methodology and knowledge systems, and then shows how these apply to academic research in marketing, in particular to producing research proposals and to the design of your dissertation.

Logistics and Channel Management
This module aims to develop an understanding of logistics, channel relationships and the supply chain.

Retail Buying and Merchandising Decision
The aim of this module is develop an understanding of the principles of buying and merchandising in the retail sector.

.1.  回复:MSc Retail Marketing课程结构 2008/09
ZETA(2008/8/24 10:28:55)  IP:61.* * *
错了,这个专业是retail management,偶在这更正下
.2.  回复:MSc Retail Marketing课程结构 2008/09
monica(2008/8/26 15:51:16)  IP:139.* * *

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