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Module(科目) Subjects Title(书名) Edition Price
Organization Behaviour MBA/IB/M/HR Work and Organization Behaviour 1st 2007 20 Pounds
Finance & Accounting MBA/Management Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 5th 2008 20 Pounds
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 6th edition 15 Pounds
公司理财精要中英文双语版 4th edition 5 pounds
会计学(McGRAW Hill) 财务会计分册 , 中英文两册 5 Pounds /中英文
会计学(McGRAW Hill) 管理会计分册, 中英文两册 5 Pounds/中英文
Quantitative Management MBA/Management Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions 6th 2008 20 Pounds
中文版-面向管理的数量分析 5 pounds
Economics MBA/IA Essentials of Economics 4th 2007 15 Pounds
Essentials of Economics 2nd edition 4 pounds
微观经济学(平狄克)中英文两册 5 pounds/中英文
宏观经济学(格里高.曼昆)中英文两册 5 pounds/中英文
经济数学-微积分中文 1 pound
Internation Business MBA/IB Global Business 20 Pounds
International Business (Czinkota) 7th Edition 10 Pounds
Marketing Management MBA/Marketing (1)Markenting 1st 2008 20 Pounds
(2)Principles of Marketing 数量:两本 11th 2007 4 Pounds
(3)Marketing Concepts and Strategy(送市场营销原理中文版) 5th edition 25 pounds
Spring Semester (4)营销管理 Kotler & Keller  中文参考书 4 pounds
Strategy Management MBA/IB/M/Media (1)Exploring Corpotate Stratege:Text & Cases 4th 5 Pounds
(2)Strategy:Winning In the Marketplace 2nd 2007 2 Pounds
(3)Exploring Corporate Strategy 7th edition 20 Pounds
(4)中文MBA战略管理 (买英文第七版送中文战略书)
(5)战略管理:获取竞争优势 (买英文第七版送中英文战略)
(6)战略管理:获取竞争优势 (买英文第七版送英文昂立上课的书)
(7)全球企业战略 peng 彭维冈 中文版 5 Pounds
International HRM MBA/IB/M/HR (1)International Human Resourse Management 2nd 2008 15 Pounds
(2)Human Resource Management 9th 2004 5 Pounds
(3)Managing Across Culture 2nd 2006 25 Pounds
买Managing Across Culture送中文版人力资源书
Marketing Strategy MBA/Marketing (1)Marketing Management and Strategy 2th 5 Pounds
(2)Marketing Strategy Desktop Guide(中文) 2th 2008 3 Pounds
Intermational Marketing MBA/Marketing Internatioanl Marketing: A Globle Perspective 3rd 2006 25 Pounds
E-Commerce MBA Electronic Commerce (中文) 6th 2007 3 Pounds
Project Management MBA/Management (1)Achieving Competitive Advantage(中文) 3 Pounds
(2)项目管理中文版 (Jeffrey K Pinto)与英文教科书一致国内买的 5 pounds
(3)专案管理(繁体中文) 3 Pounds
英语学习资料 英语中高级听力 学生及教师用书共四本+CD, 送雅思写作书 5 Pounds/套
新概念英语三,四两册及内容详解自学导读(共四本), 送雅思写作书 5 pounds/套
剑桥英语高级词汇 1 pounds

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