此贴在2010/8/13 5:38:17被*akai13*编辑过
每套书都是£20, 要买要快,机会难得~~
(全部是最新版本,书况保持相当良好, 全部包含上课讲义和历届试题)
全部一起买赠送Accounting and society上课讲义 和其他中文相关书籍(会计学,期货,统计,财务管理….)
1.Modern financial management (Corporate Finance用书)
2. Global financial accounting and reporting(Financial reporting用书)
3. Introduction to economics(Quantitative Methods in Finance用书)
1. Investment (investments and portfolio management用书)
— IAF,Finace,IA,Banking选修(原价:£49.99)
2. International financial management(International Corporate Finance用书)
3. Research methods for business students(Research method用书)
4. Financial Accounting and Reporting(Advanced Financial Reporting用书)
有意者请来信并注明买书 谢谢
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