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[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007/3/17 10:59:16)  点击:88616  回复:39  IP:61.* * *
此贴在2007/3/17 12:02:26被*wang8499*编辑过

.1.  回复:postgraduate publishing studies
wang8499(2007/3/17 11:07:26)  IP:139.* * *
.2.  回复:postgraduate publishing studies
wang8499(2007/3/17 11:16:33)  IP:139.* * *
来源:University of Stirling 官网。

The Centre for Publishing Studies provides a comprehensive and coherent approach to all forms of publishing. The programme covers the whole process of planning, editing, production, marketing and publication management. It is dedicated to teaching the best current publishing practice, so the detailed content varies from year to year as a result of the rapid changes that are transforming the industry worldwide.

Programme Objectives

In close contact with publishing businesses and the changing needs of the industry worldwide, the teaching team aims to equip you with the qualities – intellectual and practical – that are needed for a successful working life in publishing. The programme seeks to foster the techniques of team working as an essential attribute of the professional publisher today.

Structure and Content

There are usually 35 to 40 students on the programme. The programme begins in September and lasts for one academic year, extending over two semesters. It provides a concentrated and comprehensive introduction to publishing with assessment by module and project work, as well as by examination and a 15,000 word dissertation.

Students who successfully pass all the examined modules are able to graduate in June. The programme is demanding, stimulating and enjoyable and indeed many publishers now consider it to be the equivalent of a year’s experience within a publishing company. Our graduates occupy senior positions in both commercial and not-for-profit publication enterprises throughout the world.

The programme content includes:
Publishing in Theory and Practice
Effective Writing and Editorial Skills
Print and Electronic Production
Production Control and Management
Publishing Law
Intellectual Property
Publishing Business and Finance
Design and Typography
Electronic Publishing
Internet and Online Publishing
Image and Text Manipulation
Sales and Distribution
New Media Development

The above topics are covered via the delivery of six modules:

Publishing Dynamics, Contemporary Issues and Practices: This module provides a broad overview of the varieties of publishing currently practised (books, magazines, journals, newspapers, electronic and online publishing) and develops the business skills necessary to succeed in publishing.

Marketing, Management, and Communications: Electronic publishing and the internet have transformed publishing, providing new opportunities for reaching readers. They also offer dramatically different means of marketing publications. This module presents a range of strategies that take advantage of these new opportunities and develops both traditional marketing and production skills.

Publishing Project, Editing and Effective Writing: Each student will define a Publishing Project and then produce it in a physical form, analysing the practical issues that emerge in its creation. It might be a book dummy, magazine, or a style for a range of CD productions. Marketing and business strategies of this product will also be defined.

Publishing Dissertation: This is an intensive piece of research on a topic of your choice relevant to publishing and approved by the Programme Director. Work extends over both semesters: most of the research is carried out in the period between December to early February, with delivery in April.

Electronic Publishing Lab Classes: Weekly classes provide practical training in a range of software for image manipulation and text layout, plus web design skills. Software packages include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Quark Xpress and Macromedia Dreamweaver.

Design and Editing Classes: Weekly classes provide training in editorial practice and understanding publishers’ scheduling and work routines.

Equipment and Study Facilities

You will have exclusive access to a wide range of electronic equipment and facilities. You are expected to become familiar with both PC and Macintosh computer systems. All computers have internet and email access. The University is fully networked with SuperJANET access and connection to a wide range of online services. The University Library has an excellent collection of books and journals in relevant areas. The Library also owns a number of hand presses and papermaking equipment, which you are taught to use, to gain a sense of the traditional crafts of publication.

Delivery and Assessment

The programme is taught through a combination of lectures, seminars, small groups and one-on-one classes. Electronic and internet publishing are taught through practical sessions and workshops. You will work in teams for marketing case studies and DTP projects and will also be advised on how to enhance your individual presentation skills.

Career Opportunities

The MLitt programme has proved particularly effective for those who hope to enter the world of publishing for the first time, but it has been equally successful with already established professionals who want to enhance their skills. The programme has welcomed students from many countries throughout the world, who have learned to value its determinedly international approach. Internships (work placements) are available with a wide range of book and magazine publishers.


.3.  回复:postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007/3/17 11:42:57)  IP:61.* * *
真开心 这么快就有回复啦,想知道一下专业课的授课形式,生源情况,以及READING LIST 学习方法.......能不能帮忙介绍一位学这个专业的同学啊?非常感谢啊
.4.  回复:postgraduate publishing studies
沈禾(2007/3/17 11:44:40)  IP:86.* * *
千万别来!!这课完全是PPPPP人的... 我几个朋友都对这棵有颇有微词,都在一个ANTHERY CASTLE的地方上课,巨远离校正门
.5.  回复:postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007/3/17 11:51:43)  IP:61.* * *
晕 那什么专业可以学啊? 你那几个朋友可以介绍给我聊聊吗?
.6.  回复:postgraduate publishing studies
wang8499(2007/3/17 11:58:50)  IP:139.* * *
此贴在2007/3/17 12:05:16被*wang8499*编辑过


授课方式不知道,不过这里能常都是一个星期一大课+一小课,大课是上讲座,小课是小班化的,学生为自体,注重在相互讨论,习题回答等。 生源情况大部分还是中国学生吧,跟全英各大学校差不多,研究生里中国人满地开花。 Reading list的学习方法当然只有老老实实看了,没有别人办法。资料可以在网上,图书馆里找到。

.7.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007/3/17 12:12:22)  IP:61.* * *
研究生里面有没有中国人相对来说不开花的呢?能不能介绍些目前正在学本专业的同学呢?麻烦Mr.Wang,嘿嘿 我们500年前本一家 呵呵
.8.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
wang8499(2007/3/17 12:40:46)  IP:139.* * *

.9.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
Reagan(2007/3/17 17:30:19)  IP:139.* * *
.10.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007/3/19 10:33:31)  IP:61.* * *
多谢大家的帮助啊 !好感动啊,我们一起去的人很多的啊,你学什么专业啊 要不要我介绍帅哥美女给你认识啊!呵呵呵 我们去了还要靠大家多照顾呢!!!我的MSN是[email protected]
.11.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
Reagan(2007/3/19 12:38:03)  IP:139.* * *
此贴在2007/3/19 12:50:02被*Reagan*编辑过

我学金融投资,开学了学投资分析,  美女嘛,你给wang8499介绍吧,他可是帅哥哦~单身, 我已经名草有主了.嘿嘿
.12.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007/3/20 7:43:11)  IP:61.* * *
呵呵 就怕大批美女他挑花了眼哦 ,reagan,麻烦你帮我联系下那个出版的同学了 多谢啊! 另外我想知道体育系那边中国人也很多吗?还有 ALEX MACKINNON 是管理学院什么职位的人啊?他现在中国给我们上课哦! 这老头推荐我去读PR.PR 专业是不是中国人少点啊?
.13.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
Reagan(2007/3/20 13:13:54)  IP:139.* * *
请问PR是什么,我不知道全名, 体育系基本没听说有中国人吧,不太清楚哦,就见几个中国人踢球,不见有人上课,我猜应该没有.呵呵
.14.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
wang8499(2007/3/20 13:35:33)  IP:139.* * *
此贴在2007/3/20 13:38:25被*wang8499*编辑过

.15.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
龟龟(2007/3/20 13:39:49)  IP:139.* * *
.16.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
Reagan(2007/3/20 15:10:14)  IP:139.* * *
.17.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007/3/20 20:47:30)  IP:61.* * *
PR is PUBLIC RELATION ,同胞们 我们大批人马就要来了,你们要监守阵地啊!这个网站我已经竭力宣传了,最近大家忙于考试可能上来的时间少了吧! 无论是上海还是北京 出了国门所有中国人民是一家! 我苦苦的等待的那个学出版的同学什么时候能找到啊?
.18.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
Reagan(2007/3/20 21:43:24)  IP:139.* * *
大批? 有多少人,你是从上海的学校过来吗?
.19.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
wang8499(2007/3/20 22:28:26)  IP:139.* * *
.17.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007-3-20 20:47:30)  IP:

同胞们 我们大批人马就要来了,你们要监守阵地啊!这个网站我已经竭力宣传了

哈哈,看把楼主兴奋的。。这出趟国留学,大家容易嘛。 不过能够看到我们的网站能给国内的朋友提供帮助也是非常欣慰的。。那你们什么时候过来英国啊,说不定下次开学,我会跟你们搭同一班飞机哦,我也是从上海走的。常常一个人飞来飞去的。孤独啊。
.20.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
萌萌(2007/3/20 22:38:13)  IP:139.* * *
            我和wang8499 and reagan都是一起学金融投资的.
(虽然名花有主,但有帅哥,还是要介绍啦~.... )

.21.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007/3/22 9:04:40)  IP:61.* * *
能得到那么多祖国同胞的迎接真是开心啊!我们分三批去的 一批是6月底二批是7月底三批是九月初! 呵呵乘飞机偶遇哈哈,萌萌 wang8499 and reagan 你们是postgraduate or undergraduate? 有什么方法能联系到读相关专业的同学呢?学校有没有什么网站或是发布告示的渠道呢?
.22.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
Reagan(2007/3/22 11:29:20)  IP:139.* * *
在这里就可以啊, we are under now, but may post next level here
.23.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
shine(2007/3/23 8:19:08)  IP:139.* * *
这边我看过学sports study 的讲义。大概是说些什么人体一天需要多少大卡的热量,如果过多会使身体肥胖,什么运动多久消耗多少大卡之类之类的。看上去很容易理解,应该挺好学的~这个学校的Publishing 专业排名不太好~media专业就超强了!(金融 和 media全英专业排名2006年是第七~很不错的)。
.24.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
kaka(2007/3/24 10:44:24)  IP:61.* * *
欢迎UNDER 的同学加入POST行列,我们初来匝到希望你们多指点啊! 媒体专业是不是淘汰率也很高啊?
.25.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
tanya(2007/3/24 11:08:41)  IP:88.* * *

.26.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
wxy071014(2007/4/26 5:43:26)  IP:139.* * *
我是念体育的, 体育系现在有三个上海女生,一个台湾女生,一个印度人,其余都是英国人或者欧洲人,当然本土的苏格兰人为主.喜欢跟老外交流的可以来,另外最好对体育狂有兴趣的可以来,我因为没有兴趣,所以念的很不爽.
.27.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
Rebecca(2007/5/23 5:56:57)  IP:139.* * *
.28.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
wxy071014(2007/5/24 17:49:28)  IP:139.* * *
.23.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
shine(2007-3-23 8:19:08)  IP:139.153.13.*

这边我看过学sports study 的讲义。大概是说些什么人体一天需要多少大卡的热量,如果过多会使身体肥胖,什么运动多久消耗多少大卡之类之类的。看上去很容易理解,应该挺好学的~


.29.  回复:[求助] postgraduate publishing studies
ZETA(2007/5/24 20:03:06)  IP:86.* * *
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