时间: 2007-7-15 星期天
费用: 每人£25
从Stirling大学出发,到Doune古堡的原始森林,然后来到电影Monty Python and the Holy Grail的拍摄地.沿途经过苏格兰Trossachs的许多湖泊和幽谷,还有Loch Lomond 国家公园. 我们会在美丽的dochart瀑布旁野餐, 途经Rob Roy 村庄.我们还会给大家介绍这些绚丽多姿的人物及其风云变幻的一生.
午饭后,我们会来到美丽的Tay湖(苏格兰最大的湖泊之一,将近14英里长)边.之后,我们会去看看被誉为世界上最古老的生物 - ( 5000岁的红豆杉树),然后前往苏格兰最古老的威士忌酒厂 - Glenturret.
Unicorn Travel
Stirling University
Tel.: 01786-472023
[email protected]
Highland Day Trip
Sunday, 15th July
£25 per person
Pick up from Stirling University at 09:30
From Stirling University to the ancient fortress of Doune Castle, backdrop to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.A scenic drive along many lochs and glens of the Trossachs and Loch Lomond Nationalpark. Picnic by the stunning Falls of Dochart, we’ll travel through Rob Roy country and tell you all about this colourful character and the eventful life he led. After lunch we drive alongside beautiful Loch Tay, one of the largest Loch’s in Scotland (nearly 14 miles long) and once home to ancient settlers who built wooden islands on the loch knows as Crannogs! After a visit to see what is reputed to be the oldest living thing on earth (a 5000 year old yew tree), it’s then off to Scotland’s oldest Whisky Distillery, Glenturret, for a ‘wee dram’ of the water of life to round off a perfect day. We will be returning through Glendevon and the hillfoots villages of the Ochils back to Stirling University.
To book contact:
Unicorn Travel
Stirling University
Tel.: 01786-472023
[email protected]