2007/7/3 12:45:04 发表于6407天前 834
Stirling Forthside滨水区开发工程进展顺利.该工程将会扩展Stirling市中心.为Stirling城市提供一个多屏幕电影院,旅馆和会议中心,写字楼和住宅.同时还包括一个新城市广场,并加强环境美化,增建河滨走廊和新的公共交通路线.
Construction work has started on the 214 homes in the £35 million project at the Riverside end of the 40-acre £100 million
The new contemporary apartments will consist of 3 riverbank pavilion blocks, a Square and Crescent with a further single block with car parking. This is the first housing to be built in Forthside at the northern end of the former Ministry of Defence site. The project will also include a riverbank walkway and landscaping.
The pavilions step down the riverbank and are 7 storeys at the lower river level and 5 storeys at the upper main site level. The Crescent will have a mix of 3 and 4 storey buildings and the Square is 4 and 5 storey high. There will be security gates to stop unauthorised parking by people using the train and bus stations and visiting the city centre.
A continuous footpath, set back from the water’s edge, will allow the public to take advantage of the magnificent views while avoiding the need for handrails and other major engineering works.
The first phase of the contemporary apartments by The Gladedale Group are expected to be completed and ready for occupation by the end of the year.